of brazilian-german descent with a fluent bavarian accent.
those where the first two memories to come back, after his koma in feb2013 on a flight from nyc to munich. he was left with 2facts, amnesia for one after awakening and the airline provides no detail information what so ever. the twelve sx70 photographs are the last taken before and the first after his reset.
series: reset_C.A.G.
title: 3rd ave#01 & 3rd ave#05
BOEHMERS private public life - closed open culture A R T,IT'sEVERYTHING
of brazilian-german descent with a fluent bavarian accent.
those where the first two memories to come back, after his koma in feb2013 on a flight from nyc to munich. he was left with 2facts, amnesia for one after awakening and the airline provides no detail information what so ever. the twelve sx70 photographs are the last taken before and the first after his reset.
series: reset_312 3rd aveC.A.G.
title: 3rd ave#05 & 3rd ave#01
BOEHMERS private public life - closed open culture A R T,IT'sEVERYTHING